Is there anyone out there!!!!???? It has been soooo long since my last blog post I have forgotten what to do!! Where has the time gone? Why haven't I blogged? What have I been doing??
Well they are all really good questions.
I guess the short answer to all is everyday life just keeps getting busier. My blog posts were the easiest thing to stop finding time for, and as more time past I just didn't even think about blogging at all. Then I went to the Stampin' Up! convention in Melbourne a few weeks ago and was so inspired I decided "I need to start up my blog again!!" so here I am.
I am not going to bore you with what's been happing to my life in the last 18 months, I'll just give you a quick update of where I am now.
Possibly the biggest change to our life has been buying a business. The process commenced late last year and after much negotiation and some "stress" my husband and I finally took ownership of "Jennings Custom Steel" on the 4th April 2011. As I now have to somehow fit book keeping into my daily chores, my stamping time has decreased....But my plan is this is only temporary as I get more proficient at book keeping, stamping time will again increase.
As I mentioned I did manage to get to the Stampin' Up! Convention this year and it was absolutely fantastic. We were treated to some great presentations and WOW projects and even got some sneak peaks at what is coming in the next catalogue.
Then last week my downline Nerida and I held our second stampathon. This one was a fundraiser for Breast Cancer. As a fun finish to the day we asked all the participants to use their scraps to make a bra card. So to finish this post I am going to show you those wonderful bra cards. Thank you for coming back to check on me and I promise I will be posting many more fun projects in the very near future.